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Kotlin coroutines a basic approach
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- Name
- Luis Carbonel

When developing applications, we often want our functions to behave asynchronously or non-blocking, to ensure this there are many mechanisms depending on the language you use. In this article, we are going to make an introduction of how Kotlin solves this issue in a very elegant way through its coroutines.
What is a coroutine?
A coroutine is a function that can be suspended and resumed at a later time. This means that a coroutine can stop its execution at some point and continue it later without blocking the thread where it is running. This is a very powerful feature that allows us to write asynchronous code in a sequential way.
Are coroutines threads?
Um-mm, the answer is noon, coroutines and threads are similar in that they can be executed simultaneously and they need a block of code for their construction. But the truth is that a coroutine is not linked to any particular thread, in fact when we launch a coroutine it suspends its execution in a thread and when it has the result ready it can be resumed in any of the free threads, not necessarily in the thread where it started its execution.
Next, we are going to start with a requirement that usually appears when we develop in enterprise environments.
Imagine that you are asked to obtain the information of a Profile with its basic information UserInfo and the last 10 websites where it was TrackingInfo.
Sequential approach.
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlin.system.measureTimeMillis
data class UserInfo(val name: String, val lastName: String) // class to represent a user
data class TrackingInfo(val webSites: List<String>) // class to represent a tracking
data class Profile(val userinfo: UserInfo?, val trackingInfo: TrackingInfo?) // class to represent a profile
val users = mapOf(1 to UserInfo(name = "Luis", lastName = "Foo"), 2 to UserInfo(name = "Carlos", lastName = "Bar")) // contains all user in a map[idUser, UserInfo]
val tracking = mapOf(1 to TrackingInfo(listOf("vercel.com", "devlach.com")), 2 to TrackingInfo(listOf("react.com", "devlach.com"))) // contains all tracking in a map[idUser, TrackingInfo]
// Sequential approach
class SequentialApproach {
fun getProfile(id: Int): Profile {
val user = findUserInfo(id)
val trackingInfo = findTrackingInfo(id)
return Profile(user, trackingInfo)
private fun findUserInfo(id: Int): UserInfo? {
Thread.sleep(1500) // Block the thread for 1500 milliseconds
return users[id]
private fun findTrackingInfo(id: Int): TrackingInfo? {
Thread.sleep(1500) // Block the thread for 1500 milliseconds
return tracking[id]
fun main() {
val sequentialTime = measureTimeMillis {
SequentialApproach().getProfile(1).apply { println(this) }
println("SequentialTime was : $sequentialTime")
// Profile(userinfo=UserInfo(name=Luis, lastName=Foo), trackingInfo=TrackingInfo(webSites=[vercel.com, devlach.com]))
// SequentialTime : 3002
As you can see our program took 3002 milliseconds to complete. Umm, that time is good, but if we could get the user and tracking information concurrently it would help our program go faster.
Asynchronous approach.
// Asynchronous approach
class ConcurrentApproach {
suspend fun getProfile(id: Int): Profile = runBlocking {
val user = async { findUserInfo(id) }
val trackingInfo = async { findTrackingInfo(id) }
return@runBlocking Profile(user.await(), trackingInfo.await())
private suspend fun findUserInfo(id: Int): UserInfo? {
delay(1500) // Not blocking thread
return users[id]
private suspend fun findTrackingInfo(id: Int): TrackingInfo? {
delay(1500) // Not blocking thread
return tracking[id]
Run the program again and see the result.
suspend fun main() {
val sequentialTime = measureTimeMillis {
SequentialApproach().getProfile(1).apply { println(this) }
println("SequentialTime : $sequentialTime")
val concurrentTime = measureTimeMillis {
ConcurrentApproach().getProfile(1).apply { println(this) }
println("ConcurrentTime : $concurrentTime")
// Profile(userinfo=UserInfo(name=Luis, lastName=Foo), trackingInfo=TrackingInfo(webSites=[vercel.com, devlach.com]))
// SequentialTime : 3002
// Profile(userinfo=UserInfo(name=Luis, lastName=Foo), trackingInfo=TrackingInfo(webSites=[vercel.com, devlach.com]))
// ConcurrentTime : 1549
Now it's better, as we see ConcurrentTime : 1549, but how can we improve our processing time?... That's because of the coroutines, let's see what changes we made.
First our business functions: findUserInfo, findTrackingInfo and getProfile are now marked as suspend functions, but this is because instead of using Thread.sleep we use delay (This function delays coroutine for a given time without blocking a thread and resumes it after a specified time), which being a suspend function then the function that uses it must also be a suspend function.
On the other hand we see something different in getProfile, now we make our functions findUserInfo and findTrackingInfo to be inside async and with this we tell it to execute concurrently.
val user = async { findUserInfo(id) }
val trackingInfo = async { findTrackingInfo(id) }
Finally, to obtain both results we call await (Awaits for completion of this value without blocking a thread and resumes when deferred computation is complete). We can also see the runBlocking function which is nothing more than a coroutine builder.
return@runBlocking Profile(user.await(), trackingInfo.await())
Improving our code 🤔 👉 🧐 👉 🤯
As I'm a bit picky about my code structure and organization, we'll try to improve this example. First, let's move the functions findUserinfo and finTrackingInfo to repositories.
class UserRepository {
suspend fun findUserInfo(id: Int): UserInfo? {
delay(1500) // Not blocking thread
return users[id]
class TrackingRepository {
suspend fun findTrackingInfo(id: Int): TrackingInfo? {
delay(1500) // Not blocking thread
return tracking[id]
Now we are going to create a helper class to handle our own scope and in this way to execute any suspend function with async.
object CoroutineUtils {
private val defaultScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO + CoroutineName("General Purpose")) // Default scope
suspend fun <T> runAsync( block: suspend () -> T) = defaultScope.async { block() } // Receive a suspend function and executes it in our custom scope
Finally, we are going to create a class that will be in charge of orchestrating the calls to our repositories.
class ProfileService(private val userRepository: UserRepository, private val trackingRepository: TrackingRepository) {
suspend fun getProfile(id: Int): Profile {
val userInfo = CoroutineUtils.runAsync { userRepository.findUserInfo(id) }
val trackingInfo = CoroutineUtils.runAsync { trackingRepository.findTrackingInfo(id) }
return Profile(userinfo = userInfo.await(), trackingInfo = trackingInfo.await())
ProfileService receives both repositories via contructor and now we can see our business functions that are called by each one of our repositories userRepository.findUserInfo(id) and trackingRepository.findTrackingInfo(id).
val userInfo = CoroutineUtils.runAsync { userRepository.findUserInfo(id) }
val trackingInfo = CoroutineUtils.runAsync { trackingRepository.findTrackingInfo(id) }
If you look closely now the function getProfile does not have runBlocking and we do not need return@runBlocking and it is because we are handling our own scope.
It is time to run our program again and see the result.
suspend fun main() {
val sequentialTime = measureTimeMillis {
SequentialApproach().getProfile(1).apply { println(this) }
println("SequentialTime : $sequentialTime")
val concurrentTime = measureTimeMillis {
ConcurrentApproach().getProfile(1).apply { println(this) }
println("ConcurrentTime : $concurrentTime")
val structuredTime = measureTimeMillis {
// Init instances
val profileService = ProfileService(UserRepository(), TrackingRepository())
// Call the service
profileService.getProfile(id = 1).also { println(it) }
println("StructuredTime : $structuredTime")
// Output
// Profile(userinfo=UserInfo(name=Luis, lastName=Foo), trackingInfo=TrackingInfo(webSites=[vercel.com, devlach.com]))
// SequentialTime : 3001
// Profile(userinfo=UserInfo(name=Luis, lastName=Foo), trackingInfo=TrackingInfo(webSites=[vercel.com, devlach.com]))
// ConcurrentTime : 1542
// Profile(userinfo=UserInfo(name=Luis, lastName=Foo), trackingInfo=TrackingInfo(webSites=[vercel.com, devlach.com]))
// StructuredTime : 1525
Congratulations 🥳. If we compare ConcurrentTime : 1561 with StructuredTime : 1538 the times are similar.
Will having a single scope and running all the coroutines there be a good approach? Of course not, now let’s customize our example a little.
First, we are going to make some modifications to our CoroutineUtils class
object CoroutineUtils {
private val defaultScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO + CoroutineName("General Purpose")) // Default scope
suspend fun <T> runAsync(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope = defaultScope, block: suspend () -> T) = coroutineScope.async { // Receive a suspend function and executes it in our custom scope
println("${this.coroutineContext[CoroutineName.Key]} is executing in ${Thread.currentThread().name}") // Print current coroutine name and thread name
block() }
As you can see our runAsync function receives by parameter a coroutineScope and takes defaultScope by default in case we do not specify any scope.
We also added it for debugging purposes.
println("${this.coroutineContext[CoroutineName.Key]} is executing in ${Thread.currentThread().name}")
With the above modification in ProfileService, we can manage our own scope if we wish. For debugging purposes, we are going to launch the function userRepository.findUserInfo(id) function with our custom scope and trackingRepository.findTrackingInfo(id) under the default scope. Let’s see how it works.
class ProfileService(private val userRepository: UserRepository, private val trackingRepository: TrackingRepository) {
private val scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO + CoroutineName("Service")) // this is optional, but you can create you own scope
suspend fun getProfile(id: Int): Profile {
val userInfo = CoroutineUtils.runAsync(scope) { userRepository.findUserInfo(id) }
val trackingInfo = CoroutineUtils.runAsync { trackingRepository.findTrackingInfo(id) }
return Profile(userinfo = userInfo.await(), trackingInfo = trackingInfo.await())
Let’s run our program again and see the result.
// Output with debugging
// Profile(userinfo=UserInfo(name=Luis, lastName=Foo), trackingInfo=TrackingInfo(webSites=[vercel.com, devlach.com]))
// SequentialTime : 3001
// Profile(userinfo=UserInfo(name=Luis, lastName=Foo), trackingInfo=TrackingInfo(webSites=[vercel.com, devlach.com]))
// ConcurrentTime : 1550
// CoroutineName(Service) is executing in DefaultDispatcher-worker-1
// CoroutineName(General Purpose) is executing in DefaultDispatcher-worker-3
// Profile(userinfo=UserInfo(name=Luis, lastName=Foo), trackingInfo=TrackingInfo(webSites=[vercel.com, devlach.com]))
// StructuredTime : 1509
As you can see in the lines:
// CoroutineName(Service) is executing in DefaultDispatcher-worker-1
// CoroutineName(General Purpose) is executing in DefaultDispatcher-worker-2
Our suspension functions are running with different scopes and in different threads.
In this article, we have seen how to use coroutines in a more structured way. We have seen how to create our own scope and how to use it to execute suspend functions. We have also seen how to use the async function to execute our suspend functions in parallel and how to use the await function to wait for the result of our suspend functions. All the code snippets mentioned in the article can be found over on GitHub.